Missions Initiatives

Residing Hope
The United Methodist Children’s Home in Enterprise and Madison Florida is now known as “Residing Hope”. Every 5th Sunday we collect a special offering for Residing Hope in support of the children they serve and the ministries they offer. If you would like to donate to Residing Hope, we will collect a special offering on Sunday, June 30. Please make checks payable to Centenary UMC and place the phrase “Residing Hope” on the memo line. To learn more about Residing Hope and Daniel, one of their residents, please check out the video by clicking on the link provided.

Communion Special Offering
Every first Sunday of the Month we celebrate communion together as a church family. This Sunday, May 5, during communion, you are welcome to bring an offering forward with you to the communion rail. This extra-mile gift goes to the Pastor’s Discretionary Fund, which allows for us to help individuals with personal financial needs and expenses. We thank you for considering this special offering and supporting this ministry.

George W. Munroe Partnership
This May we will wrap up our 3rd Year serving alongside George W. Munroe Elementary School. Every Friday we provide meal packs for 96 students to help sustain their hunger during the weekends. These meals meet food insecurities in our community and share the love of Christ with these young children. We will be bagged this month on Friday, May 10 at 10:00am and Thursday, May 23 at 1:00pm. We would love to have your help during these times, as we close out the school year!

Greensboro Thrift Store For years, Centenary has been partnering with the other Methodist Churches in Gadsden and Liberty County to offer a Thrift Store in Greensboro. The funds raised at the Thrift Store go to various ministries in our community. Centenary runs the store every 1st and 5th Saturday of the month from 1:00pm-5:00pm. If you would like to serve and shine light at the Thrift Store, please contact Kay in the Church Office or Pastor Danielle.

Fun With Weekend Meal Packs